About Us


The Light

Our board members are practitioners, CEO’s and philanthropists. They are committed to facilitation Win Life’s operational efficiency, financial accountability and ever-increasing global impact.

Win Life is a US 501c3 nonprofit organizations and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Our financial partners receive monthly newsletters and those committed to specific projects receive photo- rich project updates approximately every quarter.



  • The Bible, as it is contained in the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is divinely inspired and constitutes the only infallible and authoritative word of God. 2Tim.3:16; 2Pe.1:20-21; Mt.5:18
  • There is one God, Creator and Lord of the universe, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each distinguishable but indivisible. Deut.6:4; Is. 44:6-8; Mt. 28:19
  • Jesus Christ, is God, the Son, incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary and truly man. He lived a sinless life and died on the cross of Calvary as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all humankind. He was buried, physically arose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, where he is now the interceding High Priest at the right hand of the Father. Jn.1:14; Lk.1:34-35; Jn.3:16; He. 4:15; Ph. 2:5-8; 1Co. 15:3-5
  • Humans, were created in the image of God. All people sinned and were consequently separated from God. All are sinners, both by birth and by choice. As a result, we are by nature depraved, under condemnation and unable to attain to divine righteousness. Ge.1:26; Eze.18:4; Ro.3:10-12;5:12-18
  • Sinners are saved by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and complete work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only basis for the remission of sins. Eph.2:8-9; Heb.9:12,22; Ro.5:12;Ac.4:12 Though essentially spiritual in nature, the benefits of salvation embrace the needs of the total person-spirit, soul, and body. 1Pe.2:24; 3Jn.2; Jas.5:15; 1Th.5:23
  • The Holy Spirit is instrumental in:
    • Regeneration – the new birth of every person who repents of sin and receives Christ as Savior and Lord. Jn.3:3-8; Ro.10:9-10, 2Pe.3:9
    • Sanctification – a life of separation from the pursuit of worldly lusts to live in holiness, producing the Fruit of the Spirit. Col.3:1-8; Ga.5:22-23
    • Empowerment – equipping the believer with the Gifts of the Spirit and with power to be Christ’s witnesses. Ac.1:8, 1 Cor. 12:7-10, Eph 4:11
  • Satan, is an angelic being who rebelled against God. He is the head of a hierarchy of evil spirit beings who influence humankind and seek their ruin. These are subject to believers, and will all eventually be cast into eternal judgment. Lk.4:1-13; 10:17-20; Eph.6:12; Mt.25:41
  • The Church, is the redeemed community of God’s people throughout all ages. All believers are priests under Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church. Re.1:6; Eph.1:22,23
  • The essential functions of the Church are:
    • To worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Jn.4:23-24
    • To disciple believers and help them to grow into the likeness of Christ. Eph.4:11-16
    • To actively engage in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ among all nations. Ac.1:8; Mt.28:18-20
  • All believers are to be baptized in water as a public testimony of their being buried with Christ and raised to new life in Him. Mt.28:19; Ac.2:36-38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:1-15
  • Believers are to participate in Communion, known as the Lord’s Supper, the juice/wine and wafer/broken bread representing the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Mt.26:26-29; 1Co.11:23-26
  • All believers are to give of their substance to the Lord’s work. 1Chr.16: 28; Mal.3:10; 1Co.16:2
  • The dead will be resurrected believers to eternal life with God, and unbelievers to eternal judgment. 1Co.15: 50-54; 1Th.4: 16-17; 2Th.1:8-9
  • Jesus Christ will return to this earth personally, visible and bodily in power and glory to establish His Kingdom. Jn.14: 3; 1Th.4: 16-17; Ac.1: 11

Life Stories

The Crown that Rules Corona

”Every time an epidemic has broken out, eventually the Lord enabled humans to discover vaccines and antibiotics to overcome it. Humans are the crowning glory of God’s creation and we were placed upon the earth, first of all, to be in relationship with God. Secondly, through that relationship, we were to “rule” and “have dominion over” the earth including all the animal and plant life, the “creeping things that creep upon the earth”... ...“

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To Share the Gospel