
Biblically Based Application

“WIN Life is biblically based, aggressive, and functionally sound in approach and application of strategy. We’re on track for one of the greatest movements of the Gospel in the history of Christianity. Your involvement is key.”

former Chairman IMB USA

I participated firsthand

“I was surprised to find out that, as the International Director of a growing organization, she shared with her the native people the same accommodations, a bunk bed in a rented facility that is also the office of the organization... I participated firsthand along with other pastors and co-workers, in her holistic ministries to children, women and the marginalized in the society with an aim to see the gospel of the Kingdom transform the lives in India and beyond.”

Rev. John Kuo Wu-Chang Conservative Baptist Church Taiwan

everything to follow Jesus

“Our team cannot begin to describe to you what it is like to be in the presence of greats in the faith who do not even think they are that great.  We met people who had given up everything to follow Jesus. ”

Rebecca Schorn Missions Coordinator, Immanuel Church Wilmington, DE

many indigenous leaders

“I am particularly struck with how many indigenous leaders are in place, the amount of leadership training happening, the explosive growth, and the high level of integrity of this ministry in general. ”

Dr. Mark Tubbs  Harvest International Ministries Pasadena, CA

chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty

“In one of the most hardened, unreached and difficult areas of the world, Leanna is pioneering and leading a work that is transforming a nation. When this young woman set off alone, many expected her to be just another missionary casualty. But instead, the unique approach God showed her resulted in astounding results. God proved that He has indeed “chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27). ”

Rev. Gary Wilkerson World Challenge and Springs Church CO